Python Developer Junior

Providing support to senior developers in implementing technical solutions.


Python Developer Junior

25 EUR/hodinu


Viac informácií
Information technology Python

Project Overview:

  • Configuring components and connectors following the guidance of senior developers
  • Working on database development and system integrations
  • Scanning connectors and interpreting metadata stored in the data catalog
  • Performing basic tasks with REST API and debugging
  • Developing and testing based on assignments from a senior colleague.

Project Requirements:

  • 2-3 years of experience in software development
  • Proficient in Python
  • Basic knowledge of JDBC, SQL, and REST API
  • Familiarity with data management, metadata, and system integrations
  • Basic experience working with Linux
  • Understanding of data technologies and platforms like AWS, Azure, SQL, PostgreSQL
  • Experience with Groovy and development in Collibra is beneficial but not mandatory

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